Final fantasy vii remake battle system
Final fantasy vii remake battle system

final fantasy vii remake battle system

The ragtag members of Avalanche also get a lot more screen time, so you really feel like you come to know Jessie, Wedge, and Biggs very well. From walking around the slums with Tifa, for example, to exploring another sector with Aerith, you see more and more of each character's personality shine through as the story progresses, which adds so much more depth to the story throughout, and helps you become emotionally invested. In certain chapters, as you get the chance to explore different parts of Midgar, you'll be spending more time with particular members of the team. The same goes for pretty much every main character you fight with. You see new sides to him that make this effortlessly cool protagonist feel more human and approachable. Leading man Cloud, with his somewhat aloof personality, is more multifaceted and relatable in the Remake. You spend so much more time with Cloud, Barrett, Tifa, and Aerith, and you even get more acquainted with the other members that make up Avalanche. Between all of the action and fighting, the quiet moments you share with the characters are what stand out the most for me. Because of the episodic nature of the Remake, the first portion of the original game has been massively expanded upon, so you see more of the city of Midgar and the characters than ever before. These are still the characters you may know, but we get to see more sides to them this time. Outside combat, the story and the way in which the Remake brings its famous characters back is easily its biggest strength and fills the experience with so much humour and heart-felt moments. As a loving reimagining of the original that delivers a new experience that's wholly its own, it's a spectacularly entertaining introduction to the world of Final Fantasy 7 for modern audiences. As someone who played the original in my formative years, plenty of moments bring a big goofy grin to my face and make plenty of feelings swirl around my heart, but there's so much here for newcomers to enjoy too. Playing the Remake is like returning to a place I once knew and reuniting with old friends I haven't seen in years, but everything is so much more impressively detailed and fleshed out than I remember it. Meticulously rebuilt, Final Fantasy 7 Remake succeeds at hitting the difficult balance between staying faithful to the original story and introducing elements that make it feel so fresh and new. It truly is a reinterpretation of the classic 1997 release in every sense of the word. Final Fantasy 7 Remake really lives up to its "Remake" title.

Final fantasy vii remake battle system